It was an ordinary day. I was at my home-office. Had some guests in the house meeting about the MBM Lanparty coz this happened just before the LP. My UMPC was sitting perfectly on the table while I was typing on my desktop discussing things with Jiggy of ACMEweb Solutions.
Anyways, as the guests left, it was just me and jiggy left when all of the sudden the kisame of my office suddenly fell directly on my table and me. Dust flew all over the room, there was albeit of pause from both us and shock. After the dust cleared, I looked at my table and my Kohjinsha SR8 got a direct hit.
Dust and small cement chips were all over my UMPC :-( Mixed emotions really. My first reaction was to call my wife and rant about it over the phone then I called our Architect. Here lies the problem. We have been living in this house around Jan 1 of 2007. It was built for us from scratch by my father in law. It's actually still very new. Well, we have been noticing large cracks in our room, bathroom tiles beginning to crack as well and wooden TMG floors slowly opening up, but we thought this were all natural curing of the house. But the Roof Falling? This is too much. The Architect is a cousin of my better half. That's the problem. How can you actually get mad at your wife's first cousin? I know what you guys are saying, call the contractor. There lies the second problem, it's the same guy. Thinking we could save up on costs,the architect and contractor are both one and the same.
I think our house is sinking albeit on the right side (if your are facing it) as most of the cracks are appearing there. Our master Bedroom is there and so is my small home office. It wouldn't have really been that bad if only my UMPC wasn't involved in this uncalled for accident.
My Kohjinsha is also very new, got it last July at Taiwan when we were there for Computex.
Why I am so pissed off?
I love my UMPC. Its the smallest of its kind in the world. 7 Inch with Everything you need including an OPTICAL DRIVE. Its the only one of its kind really. Even the Macbook air doesn't have an optical drive.
-800 mhz intel Atom (not a speed hog but enough for office word)
-Touch screen
-Can tranform into tablet format
-Bluetooth, Wifi, GPS
-Digital TV tuner (cant be used in the Philippines though)
-SD/Sony MS and CF slots (can take high speed cards as well)
-two USB slots
-VGA out.
I downgraded my OS from Windows Home Premium to XP tablet. Luckily I got a lot of tips from www.umpcportal.com if it weren't for that site I would have been stuck with Vista.
Yes all of that in a small 7 inch package. Fits in my man purse too! Before, I had 12inch MSI laptop, it was already very small but still, when I travel locally or out of the City I always have second thought on bringing it along coz of the weight.
You ask me if the screen is too small? At the office I have a 22inch LCD attached to it, thank God it has a VGA port! And when I travel, I call it my chest top, yup, CHEST TOP, since it doesn't sit on my Lap, it lays on my chest when I am lying down. Keyboard is big enough for you to be comfortable with, again at the office, I have a Logitech MX500 wireless keyboard and mouse attached to it as well wirelessly via its Built in BLUETOOTH PORT.
Now you see how much this baby means to me and why it hurts.
After blowing of the dust and brushing off the small rocks and crumbled cement I tested my UMPC, some keyboard keys werent pressing down anymore.
What's worse is, a couple of days later was showing this little bugger to a friend, and after carefully explaining all the unique functions I showed him the optical drive, it wouldn't eject anymore!!! Dust got stuck, had to manually pry it open and clean it :-(
Oh well, all seems to be well now, but I am quite sure there are still a lot of small debris in there. But I don't want to open it up, not unless I get a complete how to manual form kohjinsha.
Tragedy really.
Here are the pics of the mishap:
Good thing my DSLR was in the Bag. (blue bag beside umpc) if it was out, I think I would be forgetting that he was my wife's cousin.
Oh well, all is well, but I mite be getting someone else to repair it coz the guy my architect sent told us that the only reason for this to happen was a ghost was on our roof! Dope!!!!!!
He is a VERY GOOD architect though, design wise and functionality wise and he's still our friend ;-)
i was too sleepy at that time from all the stress of the MBM LP meetings. i saw the ceiling coming down on you Ry but was too lag to react. hahahaahahaha..
yeah good thing your dslr was in your bag hehe :)
Eff, that totally sucks man. I'd totally freak out on the contractor if that happenned to me, ugh. Is the UMPC fixable though? BTW show it to me the next time we see each other, I haven't checked that out yet. :)
Lol @dangerona :)
I remember you asking for coffee.
@chronnus: Mau lagi grabeh ka bad trip. Hehe, sayang it was at the LP ra biya sleeping the tent. Gilang, I have it with me most of the time so just remind me lang :)
I think it's a sign that you should get rid of the failed technology that is the UMPC. lol
It's a good thing no one got hurt. UMPC to the rescue!
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