We recently just got a new Laptop for my wife. It was a decision between a Macbook and a an Acer. The specs on the Acer made it a very easy decision for me.
If the Macbook had a Core i5 Proc, it would have made it hard.
Best Ends the Life of the current Macbook which could mean newer ones coming out very soon, with the i5 Proc.
Check this news out at Gizmodo.
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Tuesday, February 9, 2010
HOW TO: Downgrade iPhone 3Gs From Firmware 3.1.3 to 3.1.2
HOW TO: Downgrade iPhone 3Gs From Firmware 3.1.3 to 3.1.2
Credits to the author soH20 from Xsellize.com
Take From Here
Apple and the iPhone evolved a lot in the past couple of years and they learned a couple of things when it comes to software protection against jailbreaking.
iPhone 3GS have to communicate with Apple’s servers before allowing the installation of any version of firmware (restore or update ) .With the release of Firmware 3.1.3, Apple’s server has stopped certifying all previous firmware and this makes it impossible to restore your device to a previous release. The certification is done through 3 files called IBSS, IBEC and ECID that, once signed, are a kind of “green light” to install the firmware through iTunes.
IBSS and IBEC files are generated during a firmware restore in iTunes and placed into a temporary folder on your computer. You will have no problem on retrieving this files, but the missing piece of this puzzle is the ECID file that Apple doesn’t allow you to retrieve.
NOTE: this tutorial is aimed ONLY to iPhone 3Gs users that have saved their ECID file through Cydia. If you are not sure about saving your ECID file throught Cydia, than load Cydia and on the homepage check if you see this message: This iPhone 3Gs has an ECID SHSH on file.
How To Downgrade iPhone 3Gs from Firmware 3.1.3 to 3.1.2
1. find a file called “hosts” that manages connections to the servers:
* Windows: go to C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\ and use a text editor to open the file “hosts”
* Mac: open a terminal an type sudo /Applications/TextEdit.app/Contents/MacOS/TextEdit /etc/hosts
2. At this point we connect the server address to the IP address that corresponds to Saurik’s server instead of Apple. This way we can trick iTunes anxious to check the firmware saved through Cydia. To do this just copy this string and add it to the end of the file “hosts” that we have just opened: gs.apple.com
2.1 Save the file. Do NOT do a “Save As”. Close the file.
2.3 In a new terminal window, paste in: sudo dscacheutil -flushcache .Hit return and type in your admin password.
3. Now you can step into the real downgrade process of your iPhone 3Gs, but it will not be as easy as the previous times. First of all you need to put the iPhone in DFU then: Plug it into your computer and simultaneously press the Home key and the Power button for 10 seconds exactly, after issuing only the power button and continue to click on Home until iTunes will not recognized a new device in recovery mode.
4. Your iPhone should have a full black screen and NOT the screen with iTunes icon and the cable. Many people confuse it with the DFU recovery mode but they are two very different processes, so before you continue, make sure you have the screen all black.
5. Now click on the ALT key (MAC) / SHIFT (Windows) of the keyboard and the button “Restore” in iTunes, select the firmware 3.1.2 and wait.
NOTE1: During recovery you may experience various errors.
NOTE2: If you get ” unknown error (3002) ” error, you ddidn’t save your ECID on Saurik’s server and pretty much the downgrade cant take place. Luckily it was found an exploit in iPhone FW 3.1 and with a little bit of patience you might be able to perform the jailbreak directly on iPhone Firmware 3.1
NOTE3: If you will get this error: ” The iPhone “iPhone” could not be restored. An unknown error occured (1015) ” , accept it, and re-do the entire process. ( put the iPhone into DFU mode, select iPhone FW 3.0 and wait ). The process will fail again and iTunes will return the same message as before “The iPhone” iPhone “could not be restored. An unknown error occurred (1015).Do not panic because it’s completely normal.
To resolve this situation can proceed in two ways: The first relates to Mac users and is using iRecovery ( Mac and Windows ) to reboot the device, it will re-ignite in normal mode, the second title is “universal” because it works on both Windows and Mac and is ignoring the ‘error, continuing to work normally. Therefore, there can only start and run a regular Redsn0w Jailbreak Firmware 3.0
You’re done. Now you are back on iPhone OS 3.1.2 and can jailbreak your iPhone. Of course, those of you that depend on unlocking the iPhone, you are screwed anyway, because by updating to 3.1.3 in the first place, you updated your baseband.
Credits to the author soH20 from Xsellize.com
Take From Here
Apple and the iPhone evolved a lot in the past couple of years and they learned a couple of things when it comes to software protection against jailbreaking.
iPhone 3GS have to communicate with Apple’s servers before allowing the installation of any version of firmware (restore or update ) .With the release of Firmware 3.1.3, Apple’s server has stopped certifying all previous firmware and this makes it impossible to restore your device to a previous release. The certification is done through 3 files called IBSS, IBEC and ECID that, once signed, are a kind of “green light” to install the firmware through iTunes.
IBSS and IBEC files are generated during a firmware restore in iTunes and placed into a temporary folder on your computer. You will have no problem on retrieving this files, but the missing piece of this puzzle is the ECID file that Apple doesn’t allow you to retrieve.
NOTE: this tutorial is aimed ONLY to iPhone 3Gs users that have saved their ECID file through Cydia. If you are not sure about saving your ECID file throught Cydia, than load Cydia and on the homepage check if you see this message: This iPhone 3Gs has an ECID SHSH on file.
How To Downgrade iPhone 3Gs from Firmware 3.1.3 to 3.1.2
1. find a file called “hosts” that manages connections to the servers:
* Windows: go to C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\ and use a text editor to open the file “hosts”
* Mac: open a terminal an type sudo /Applications/TextEdit.app/Contents/MacOS/TextEdit /etc/hosts
2. At this point we connect the server address to the IP address that corresponds to Saurik’s server instead of Apple. This way we can trick iTunes anxious to check the firmware saved through Cydia. To do this just copy this string and add it to the end of the file “hosts” that we have just opened: gs.apple.com
2.1 Save the file. Do NOT do a “Save As”. Close the file.
2.3 In a new terminal window, paste in: sudo dscacheutil -flushcache .Hit return and type in your admin password.
3. Now you can step into the real downgrade process of your iPhone 3Gs, but it will not be as easy as the previous times. First of all you need to put the iPhone in DFU then: Plug it into your computer and simultaneously press the Home key and the Power button for 10 seconds exactly, after issuing only the power button and continue to click on Home until iTunes will not recognized a new device in recovery mode.
4. Your iPhone should have a full black screen and NOT the screen with iTunes icon and the cable. Many people confuse it with the DFU recovery mode but they are two very different processes, so before you continue, make sure you have the screen all black.
5. Now click on the ALT key (MAC) / SHIFT (Windows) of the keyboard and the button “Restore” in iTunes, select the firmware 3.1.2 and wait.
NOTE1: During recovery you may experience various errors.
NOTE2: If you get ” unknown error (3002) ” error, you ddidn’t save your ECID on Saurik’s server and pretty much the downgrade cant take place. Luckily it was found an exploit in iPhone FW 3.1 and with a little bit of patience you might be able to perform the jailbreak directly on iPhone Firmware 3.1
NOTE3: If you will get this error: ” The iPhone “iPhone” could not be restored. An unknown error occured (1015) ” , accept it, and re-do the entire process. ( put the iPhone into DFU mode, select iPhone FW 3.0 and wait ). The process will fail again and iTunes will return the same message as before “The iPhone” iPhone “could not be restored. An unknown error occurred (1015).Do not panic because it’s completely normal.
To resolve this situation can proceed in two ways: The first relates to Mac users and is using iRecovery ( Mac and Windows ) to reboot the device, it will re-ignite in normal mode, the second title is “universal” because it works on both Windows and Mac and is ignoring the ‘error, continuing to work normally. Therefore, there can only start and run a regular Redsn0w Jailbreak Firmware 3.0
You’re done. Now you are back on iPhone OS 3.1.2 and can jailbreak your iPhone. Of course, those of you that depend on unlocking the iPhone, you are screwed anyway, because by updating to 3.1.3 in the first place, you updated your baseband.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Iphone Seidio Innocase + Belt Holster Como- Served on a sizzling plate
First off I would like to thank Mr. Jun Osmena for this case. He gave it me. I love it and Needed it badly since I broke my Tunewear holster. I live putting my phone on the belt especially during office hours. In fact the only time I don't put it on my belt is when I got to parties or clubs with the gang. I don't think you would want it there when you get drunk, it'd be safer in your pocket. This is one of the thing's that makes a case like this unique. It gives you a case to do just so, put it in your pocket and protecting it there and the option to Holster it on your belt.
The Belt holster which is the reason I wanted to Get Seidio in the first place. I think Seidio has the best Holster In the market. The only one with a protective lock on the top to make sure your Iphone doesn't slip out accidentally like what happened to me on my tunewear.
This holster shifts from landscape and portait mode easily and because of the lock, you are safe whichever way you choose to have it.
As you notice there is a big sign in the middle which says "Device Face In Design" This ensures your screen is protected at all times while your Iphone is attached. And believe me, no matter how careful you are there are will be lots of accidental hammer like bumps while you have your Iphone on your belt.
One thing I miss though on my tunewear is the ability to put your phone facing out, and then converting your holster into a table stand which allows you to watch videos on the desk. This function would have been a must have and would have made this case one of the best out there. THE GOOD NEWS is that I tried fitting my Iphone+tunewear case on the holster and it FITS!!! So on certain occasions that I really plan to watch movies on the phone, I can put on the Tunewear case and bring my busted tunewear holster (coz it still works as stand) with me.
The Case is two piece case. This allows for an easier on and off action on the Iphone. Also, you can remove the bottom part to make it fit Apples Iphone Docking station. Seidio also sells their own docking station which will fit the Iphone with the Innocase on. Unfortunately we don't have that right now to test with.
As you can clearly see from the above pictures. Like my Tunewear case, it has a hole to show off the Apple Logo. I don't think this was necessary, but the good thing though is they placed a protective layer of film on it. As you can see from my pic below, there is a reflection of my window blinds on the film.
Since the only way to but this iphone with the Seidio Innocase on the Seidio Belt Ciip is inwards (to protect the screen) People will clearly see you have an Apple Iphone on you! Bragging rights?
The inner part of the case sports a protected layer that prevents the Iphone from getting scratched while you put it on or take it off the case. The problem though is because of this, Most, if not all, screen protectors tend to bubble at the edges when you put this case on. It is just a micro MM too tight! I ruined my screen protector while putting this on. Later, I will have to go and get me a new screen protector and trim at least 1mm off the edges all around it and make sure that when I put it on the screen, I place it inwards creating about a 1mm boarder of unprotected iphone screen. This will prevent the case from squeezing the screen protector which causes it to bubble.
The case is very protective, unlike my light and thin tunewear which Stongly Clings to the iphone which is what make it thin and light, there is just less of it.
It has provision openings for all the ports you need.
Camera, Volume, Power & Headphones at the top, docking port at the bottom and as I mentioned earlier, the Iphone Logo at the back.
All in all, I love this case. It could do with some additions like the Converting into a stand for video playback, and making it more Screen Protector Friendly.
Seidio Innocase = 8/10 Techisland Coconuts.
Seidio Holster = 10/10 Techisland Cocunits.
Now you know, now you TECH KNOW.
Philippines Review,
Seidio Holster,
Seidio Innocase
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Apple IPAD = And so the Hacking Begins.

And so the hacking begins: Apple IPAD with Windows 7. I am sure other wonderful things are going to happend to the IPAD and Apple won't be complaining about it because it will boost the sales of their Flagship Tablet.
I don't think I would have ever gotten the Iphone if couldn't be Jailbroken.
technically, basically its a virtual Windows 7 running on the Ipad BUT still, anything can happen :-D
More info Here
Apple Ipad Hack,
Apple Ipad with Windows 7
Friday, February 5, 2010
Intel's Codenamed Gulftown Heatsink/Fan
From the heatsink alone, you can tell how hot the processor would be since Intel is forced to use heatpipe-based coolers unlike the standard radial heatsink from the current lineup. This photo has been released sometime already but its only now that I've realized that I've actually downloaded this one for this blog post. Unfortunately, not much information has been provided, no TDP (Thermal Design Power) ratings or exact dimensions but just look at that behemoth! I hope this isn't installed with push-pins or else, motherboard is going to get some serious warping issues. :)

Wednesday, February 3, 2010
I broke my Iphone Tunewear Belt Clip

I just broke my two week old case :-( Good thing this case has a case+beltclip system which means I still have a case. I broke the clip off the case while trying out some Sofa's at Mandaue Foam. It got caught on arm rest and the clip just snapped.

I had the case in Portait mode on my waste because if I rotate it in landscape, the iphone could easily be pushed out with just a slight accidental nudge from the butt. I guess the lanscape mode was really more for just laying it on the table and converting the whole clip system into a stand to watch your favorite movies or photos.
I loved this case/belt clip combo though. Damn.
I can still use the belt clip system as permanent table stand at the office though.

My Only hope is my Seidio Case, which I know has one of the most solid belt clips out there, tried and tested with my Seido+Innocase system for my HTC Touch Pro.
Here is a photo of the Seidio Case + Innocase Beltclip.

Seidio Website
What I am hoping for is that the tunewear case will fit on the seidio Belt clip as I prefer it over the clip so when I get to the office I can easily witch from the Seidio innocase and my cripple Tunewear deskstand.
Still: It is a sad day for me. First my Icooly Case/stand/Belt Clip, after I broke the clip the case was useless, now this, 2 WEEKS OLD!! The Only thing I bought it Singapore for me.

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