The Rave: The Rave, SilverStone Case Mod Challenge

Event Started: March 26, 2010 - March 28, 2010
Location: PC Express-Gilmore Showroom

The Entries:

Entry #1 from Paul Tan

Entry #2 from Camshow/Tantric

Entry #3 from Tantric

Entry #4 from Rastaman

Entry #5 from Karr

Entry #6 from Cham

Closer look of the Rigs

Other Highlights

And the Winners Are:
3rd Prize Winner!!!
Entry # 4
2,000.00 cash price + SilverStone Sugo SG03B SFF case + 500.00 gift certificate

2nd Prize Winner!!!
Entry #2
5,000.00 cash price + SilverStone Lascala LC20B HTPC case + 500.00 gift certificate

1st Prize Winner!!!
Entry #5
10,000.00 cash price + SilverStone Fortress FT01B-W case + 500.00 gift certificate