Well these two Machines were first seen on the Y101 New Website launch and 30th anniversary kick off Last Friday, March 27, 2009 at the Marriot Hotel. Fine Upgrades Also Sponsored some raffle prices which were customized Silverstone TJ04's with customized, very new and very cool Y101 Logo!

One the winners from PLDT.
Here are the Roadshow schedules:
Week 1 : (April 1-April 7 ) - PC Express (NRA)
Week 2 : (April 13-April 18 ) - CBX Corp. (NRA)
Week 3: (April 20-April 25) - PCQuickbuys -SM
Week 4: (April 27-May 2) - NUTech-SM
Week 5: (May 4-May 9) - PC Express (Jones)
Week 6: (May 11-May 16) - PCQuickbuys - UC
Week 7: (May 18-May 23) - NUTech -EMall
Week 8: (May 25-May 30) - Gaisano Interpace -Countrymall
Week 9: (June 1-June 6) - Asia Pacific Computers
The purpose of the roadshow is to let the people of Cebu try out these very powerful systems for themselves. They will be able to test just about anything they want on a normal Windows 7 System. Hopefully it will help them decide what parts to buy on their next PC purchase!
These systems are as they say on the title, ULTIMATE, for the Ultimate enthusiast, the Ultimate Gamer and the Ultimate YOU!!! So don't forget to check it out for yourself and feel the POWER of these ULTIMATE RIGS!

Special Thanks to:
Fineupagrdes - www.fineupgrades.com
Asus Philippines