Picture Source: MVP discussion list.
I use to hate winmobile when it started. I was a PALM lover as I mentioned in one my old articles here. For me, it took winmobile a very long time to catch my attention. Even when there was a breakthrough, a really milestone on its evolution, when it was able to store all your data even the battery ran out, I still didn't switch. Well frankly, from PALM I switched to Symbian UIQ with Sony Ericsson's P-series.
After I did an episode with Mr. Brian Chua, a WM enthusiast and my cousing in law, He made me convert, at that time I was suffering from one UIQs biggest disasters, the Sony Ericsson P990, I Spent Php 42k and after 4 months it was down to half the price, after 1 year it was being sold less than Php 20k. As gadget enthusiast, I usually just sell my old gadgets in order for me to have a budget to buy new ones. I couldn't do this with the P990. That experience just sucked.
So I shifted to winmobile, the HTC touch DUAL and I say, I am back to the glory days of palm! All the aps you could ever need. Yes it has the occasional quirks, but bearable, after my experience with the P990, this is heaven.
So to answer to my title, is Apples Iphone like going through what winmobile went through?
I hope not, if so its going to take them years to fix it and they are going to loose their marketing share. They better be careful with what they are doing right now, hiding all those bugs with HUGE MARKETING cover ups.
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I dont know what went wrong though, their first version of the iphone had some quirks like having to store two phone numbers to get the names to appear both in SMS and when calling someone (+63917.. & 0917..) to being unable to forward messages, which were quickly solved by third party applications.
This time on the Iphone 3G, it's a system breakdown. Hangups, hiccups, screen alignments issues that result to ALL DATA LOSS, so I've heard.. I have never owned one so it's not really fitting of me to say too much about Iphone 3G issues but this should help you out:
Isn't it just Ironic, when you see all the Anti-Microsoft, Pro Apple ads dissing MS for crashing etc.. and most of it is happening on the Iphone 3G?
Please do not get me wrong, Iphone fans, I like the whole Iphone concept, I just know that there is still a lot of work to be done, and if they don't fix it soon, it's going to get the "Malamine" effect and people will start avoiding their products.
As of the moment, as a power user, I am sticking with winmobile and maybe just get an Itouch 32GB, an iphone without the phone :-D (I am still waiting for them to put Bluetoth A2DP built in, once they do I will get that version)
Comparing the iPhone and Windows Mobile is like comparing Windows 95 to MacOS. There is nothing on Windows Mobile that even gets a consumer excited about it. They just recently released a version of IE ... based on IE6 ... years after the fact. That just goes to show the innovation that is found on Windows Mobile. One can support their platform all they want, but whatever Windows Mobile does, Blackberrys and Symbian based phones do better for work and enterprise. Yes you have your apps, thousands of them, how many of them are useful? ... how many of the iPhone apps are of the quality that people would pay for? ... the App Store speaks for itself. Phone crashes with the iPhone is overstated. Yes apps do crash, but that is what apps do. Look at Android ... far more crash prone than the iPhone and even the normally rock solid Blackberry ... is prone to crashes on it's new Storm.
The iPhone is more consumer-centric ... something Windows-mobile isn't going to even come close to especially with Android out. They'd have to start from scratch. If you stop, back up, and look at the bigger picture ... Windows Mobile is the least progressive of all mobile platforms and worst major investment in manpower and technology by Microsoft.
Vern, sorry for the late reply but I just read your comment today. Yes I know all the phones hang-up no matter what platform they are in. But to my knowledge the Iphone 3G is going through a far more traumatic experience than that of its earlier sibling.
Windows mobile alone is nothing but a dull moment BUT, there are companies like HTC who have done a good job at enhancing the user experience that rivals that of the Iphone. Enhanced touch flow interface, it may not be multipoint but heck its pretty good! In fact HTC is so good that they made the Hardware for the Android as well and you are correct, android does have lots of potential. I've held one in Manila and was even tempted to get it but after searching for essential applications that I need, they were not available yet.
Also the blackberrys' latest touch screen innovation (when you touch the screen it also clicks like a normal keypad, the entire screen is one big button) this will attract lots of business executives as well.
I know their will come a time when Iphone will most likely Rule the earth. They have come a long way in just two releases. Once they iron out all those major quirks and free third party aps will come out, then I will get one. As of the moment, as I said on my first post, everything I like on the Iphone can be found on the Itouch and I will get one once I see the 32GB price go down. In my opinion, they are just going through what microsoft went through also at the start. A phone I though I would hate for a lifetime and never get.. then ended up loving and using it now.
Just to clarify ...
Hangs on the iPhone like what you have heard is blown out of proportion. They don't happen that much and when they do happen, they do happen to the core apps. They happen to the third party apps. Traumatic is a loaded word.
What HTC does ... is it really to the credit of Windows Mobile? ... or should credit be give to HTC? You decide.
The Storm's click screen isn't all it was out to be. The whole screen clicks, it is still touch screen. You still can't feel the keys.
The iPhone is already the biggest selling phone in the US overtaking the Motorola Razer. American fascination with flip phones are on the decline. Also check out the free third party apps on the App Store. You'll probably find them to your liking. I have not bought a single app. I use all free ... it's all I need. Get a hold of the Touch and you'll find the wonderful world of apps. I personally have a 32GB touch to listen to music to. I don't use my iPhone for music when my Itunes playlists needs over 20GB of storage. I bought my first generation Touch for $500, but I believe the second gen has dropped by 100 for the same amount of storage.
Do you mean they "Don't" happen to the core aps? Well I have to admit I have never tried it, I just hear it from the friends of mine that have it. But since you own one and I am sure you pretty much more "techier" than them, I stand corrected on the hanging up part. I did try to google it and that was my only proof, the google results.
I think credit is due to both parties, WM and HTC. WM for allowing WM software to be added on to with third party interfaces. As a business overall portable software, WM is very powerful, basically its outlook on the go and what HTC did was sweeten up the package with very cool GUI and of course the touch technology they implemented.
The latest BB, isn't here yet I still am very interested to try it out.
Like I said, one day the Iphone is going to be the best and when that time comes everyone will just be trailing. I would easily see the US market boom with the Iphone, it is in Asia where it is still slowly growing. But to business power users here in the Philippines, I still mostly see WM and BBs.
For sure, the Itouch is my next gadget purchase, but as you know, budgets kinda tied down right now coz of the new baby :-D So I will just have to tame down my gadget lust for awhile.
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